Пермский государственный медицинский университет им. академика Е. А. Вагнера
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Hygiene in influenza, coronavirus infection and other acute respiratory viral infections

What should be done in periods of active circulation of influenza pathogens, coronavirus infection and other pathogens of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) in order to prevent your own infection and protect others if you become ill?

The causative agents of all these diseases are highly contagious and transmitted predominantly by airborne droplets.

When sneezing and coughing in the air, microdrops of saliva, sputum and respiratory secretions that contain viruses spread around the sick person. Larger droplets settle on surrounding objects and surfaces, small droplets remain in the air for a long time and may be carried over distances of up to several hundred meters, while viruses retain the ability to become infected from several hours to several days. The main measures of hygienic prevention have the aim to prevent the contact of healthy people with virus-containing discharged particles of a sick person.

The following hygiene rules will significantly reduce the risk of infection or the further spread of influenza, coronavirus infection and other A.R.V.I.

  • Use a disposable paper towel when sneezing, coughing, blowing your nose.
  • Do not touch your face with dirty hands.
  • Wash your hands regularly.
  • Use alcohol-based disinfectant wipes.

Hygiene in acute respiratory viral infections and in influenza virus infection.

  • Stay home while mass diseases.
  • Limit the contacts with infected people.
  • Do wet cleaning at home.
  • Use special masks.

How not to get infected

  • Wash hands after visiting any public places, transport, touching door handles, money, office equipment for public use at the workplace, before eating and cooking. Pay special attention to thorough soaping (at least 20 seconds), and the subsequent complete drainage of the hands.
  • After coming back home, wash hands and face with soap and rinse your nose with isotonic saline.
  • Touch the face, eyes with only recently washed hands. If you have no access to water and soap, use alcohol-based disinfectants to clean hands. Or use a disposable towel paper, if it is necessary to touch your eyes or nose.
  • Wear a disposable medical mask in crowded places and transport. Change the mask to a new one every 2-3 hours, you cannot reuse the mask.
  • Give preference to smooth hairstyles when you are in crowded places, loose hair, often in contact with the face, increase the risk of infection.
  • Avoid close contact and stay in the same room with people who have visible signs of A.R.V.I. (coughing, sneezing, nasal discharge).
  • Do not touch door handles, railings, other objects and surfaces in public spaces with bare hands.
  • Limit welcome handshakes, kisses and hugs.
  • Ventilate the rooms more often.
  • Do not use shared towels.

How not to infect others

  • Minimize contacts with healthy people (welcome handshakes, kisses).
  • If you feel unwell, but you have to communicate with other people or use public transport, use a disposable mask, be sure to change it to a new one every hour.
  • When coughing or sneezing, be sure to cover your mouth, if possible, with a disposable handkerchief, if not, with your palms or elbow.
  • Use only personal or disposable tableware.
  • Isolate your personal hygiene items from household members: toothbrush, washcloth, towels.
  • Do wet cleaning at home daily, including door handles, switches, electronic devices control panels.

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