Американо-австрийский фонд открывает регистрацию на прохождение недельной стажировки по медицинским специальностям на 2021 год.
Сайт https://www.openmedicalinstitute.org/dates-and-topics-2021/
Подавшие заявку на сайте и прошедшие устное собеседование по телефону на английском языке отбираются для прохождения стажировки в г. Зальцбурге (Австрия). По условиям программы отобранным участникам фонд оплачивает перелет, визу, обучение, проживание и питание.
Applicants must be under the age of 40, have completed their specialization and plan a professional career in their home countries. Each OMI Seminar is limited to a maximum of 36 participants. This allows for intense interaction during lectures, discussions, case presentations and hands-on training sessions. The OMI Seminars are taught by physicians from leading American and European institutions, who donate their time and expertise. The selection of participants is competitive and based on merit. Fellowships cover travel, tuition, a set of teaching materials and full board.
All OMI fellows must contribute academically by presenting an interesting case study. The best cases are subsequently published electronically on the OMI Case Library. Each OMI fellow takes a test at the beginning and end of the seminar. This measures what they have learned. OMI fellows in the top 50% are eligible to participate in the OMI Observership program and apply for additional OMI Seminars. The OMI Seminars’ content is accessible through the OMI Handbook Online, which is a free e-learning source for OMI alumni.
Методическая поддержка – в отделе внешних связей и коммуникаций.
Начальник отдела - Т.Ю. Ефимова, тел. 217 20 72, эл. адрес: tefi1@mail.ru
тел.: +7 (342) 217-21-20 |