Пермский государственный медицинский университет им. академика Е. А. Вагнера
Логотип ОУ горизонт красный для ссылки на портал
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Сведения об образовательной организации
Сведения об образовательной организации
«Вуз здорового образа жизни»
Вуз здорового образа жизни
Наши достижения
Пермский медицинский журнал
Пермский медицинский журнал
Лингвистический центр «Medlinqua»
Лингвистический центр «Medlinqua»
Доступная среда
Доступная среда
Электронная образовательная среда
Электронная информационно-образовательная среда
Единое окно
PSMA Sprav 
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Chief of Department - Tatyana Yurievna Efimova.

Location: 27 Petropavlovskaya street, office 25
E-mail: tefi1@mail.ru

International Department was founded in September 1995. In September 2019 it became a subdivision of Department of International Education (DIE) and was renamed to Department of International Relations and Communications. Since 2023, it has been renamed the International Department of the Office for International Medical Education.

Strategy and Tactics of International Activity at the UniThe Main Target Indications of International Activity

Strategic goals in the field of international relations of the University:

  • increasing and strengthening the reputation of the University in international arena;
  • achieving the international level of competitiveness in educational and research;
  • increasing the number and efficiency of international contracts and agreements.

Strategic objectives:

  • material and information support for the study of achievements of foreign scientific schools and advanced pedagogical research experience and their use at the University;
  • promotion and support of student and teaching academic mobility in the light of the Bologna process and creation of European educational space;
  • expansion of partnerships with foreign organizations and institutions in the areas, traditional for the University, and formation of new ones;
  • creation of international research teams and consortia to carry out joint research in the field of fundamental and applied problems of medicine;
  • strengthening the University's activity in international educational market;
  • formation and implementation of active PR-policy at different levels in the field of international activities, promotion of achievements and opportunities of the University;
  • strengthening of interaction between higher educational institutions of Perm and the region, city and regional authorities.

The target indicators of efficiency of University international activities are:

  • availability of agreements of cooperation and partnerships;
  • academic mobility of the teaching staff - participation of foreign professors in the educational process of the University;
  • academic mobility of the teaching staff of PSMU - participation of professors in the educational process of foreign universities;
  • academic mobility of students and young scientists - internships abroad and admitting foreign students at the University.

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Адреса и контакты

тел.: +7 (342) 217-21-20
факс: +7 (342) 217-20-21
e-mail: psmu@psma.ru

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