Пермский государственный медицинский университет им. академика Е. А. Вагнера
Логотип ОУ горизонт красный для ссылки на портал
Корпоративный портал
Сведения об образовательной организации
Сведения об образовательной организации
«Вуз здорового образа жизни»
Вуз здорового образа жизни
Наши достижения
Пермский медицинский журнал
Пермский медицинский журнал
Лингвистический центр «Medlinqua»
Лингвистический центр «Medlinqua»
Доступная среда
Доступная среда
Электронная образовательная среда
Электронная информационно-образовательная среда
Единое окно
PSMA Sprav 
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Students life

Students’ life at the University is many-sided. They form creative collectives, go in for sports, participate in social youth and student organizations. Students are active participants of municipal, regional, Russian cultural activities. They win medals, diplomas and prizes.

Many student festivals became a good tradition of the academy including «First-year Students’ Dedication», «Student Concert-Theatrical Spring», «Cheerful and Sharp Club», «Evening Parties for Former Students «1+6», «1+5». Our students take an active part in annual actions «City Against Narcotics», «Hope Tree», «Hold Out Your Hand». Students of PSMU are known in Perm Krai as active volunteers. There are interest clubs at the disposal of students which help to open and realize students’ talents and abilities, for example, sports club «Medic» with 16 sections, student club with a well-known in Perm choreographic, vocal, vocal-and- instrumental and theatre collectives.

To create comfortable conditions students are provided with:

  • sports and health-improving center, universal sports and training halls, table tennis, billiard, darts and therapeutic physical training halls, rehearsal halls, musical instruments, stage suits;
  • polyclinics with modern equipment, dental clinic, aid posts;
  • dining rooms and buffets with hot food;
  • 5 hostels per 1785 places in the center of the city.

At present, the problem with places in the hostel is being solved due to building of the new hostel per 300 places and reconstruction of the existing ones.

On the basis of the University, three student construction groups such as «Olympia-service», «Phaeton» and «Legion» have been working for more than 25 years.

Perm State Medical University has developed the system of students’ social provision.

For the progress achieved in training, social life and sport the Academic Council of PSMU has founded 23 scholarships named after the outstanding scientists of the academy in the sum of 1500 - 8000 rubles each. Nominal scholarships are presented at the Academic Council meeting twice a year. There are also Academic Administration and Academic Council scholarships and individual scientific grants. Students are stimulated with free tour tickets, swimming pool, sport and health-improving center tickets, theatre tickets, valuable presents, receive welfare.

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Адреса и контакты

тел.: +7 (342) 217-21-20
факс: +7 (342) 217-20-21
e-mail: psmu@psma.ru

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